Ik bezocht Bolivia voor het eerst begin 2001 het was een van mijn allereerste verre reizen. Nu zoveel jaren en heel veel bestemmingen later had ik nog nooit ergens zo een indrukwekkende natuur gezien die zo tot me sprak, bizar mooi en en onvergetelijke ervaring.
Helaas had ik ook een domper op mijn reisgeluk toen, wanneer ik slachtoffer werd van een agressieve overval in de hoofdstad La Paz. Gelukkig kon ik mijn route verderzetten en hierbij trakteer ik je op enkele sfeerbeelden.
I first visited Bolivia in early 2001, it was one of my very first long-distance trips. Now, so many years and many destinations later, I had never seen such impressive nature anywhere that spoke to me so much, bizarrely beautiful and an unforgettable experience. Unfortunately, my travel happiness was also put at a disadvantage when I became the victim of an aggressive robbery in the capital La Paz. Fortunately, I was able to continue my route and I hereby treat you to some atmospheric images.
Here are some places not to be missed:
La Paz –
Plenty to see in the capital. The historic center, Witches’ Market, Central Cemetery, Plaza Murillo, and the views from Mirador Killi Killi are spectacular!
Valle De Las Animas –
Such a spectacular landscape to hike and within an hour of La Paz. I have no idea why this place doesn’t get more tourism flow. In my opinion, far exceeds Valle De La Luna (although visit both if you have time.
Uyuni Salt Flats –
This place speaks for itself. The largest salt flats in the world are not to be missed. before leaving the town of Uyuni, check out the Train Cemetery.
The salt flats are such a vast region and extremely photogenic! You can book a tour in advance or jump on a departing tour from the many tourist operators in the town center.
Note – December to April is the wet season where you’ll stand the best chance of a mirror reflection.
World’s Most Dangerous Bike Ride –
Cycling the 64km of Yungas Road on a 3,500 meter descent is quite the adventure. There’s so many vantage points en route and offering beautiful views, and you’ll often see waterfalls cascading down the valleys. My advice would deffo be to use a tour company and take your time to fully enjoy the journey!
South Lipez Region –
It’s worth doing a multi-day excursion and going beyond Uyuni, as the southern region offers immense beauty. Canapa & Hedionda lagoons have large a large population of pink flamingoes, the geysers at Sol de Manana rival those of Iceland, the Salvador Dali Desert, and the ultimate highlight of Eduardo Avaroa National Park.